Ya Sukhano Ya Marathi Serial Lyrics
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Ya Sukhano Ya: A Classic Marathi Serial with a Beautiful Title Song
Ya Sukhano Ya was a popular Marathi serial that aired on Doordarshan in the 1980s. The serial was based on a novel by G.D. Madgulkar and directed by Sumitra Bhave. The story revolved around the lives of two young lovers, Raju and Radha, who face many challenges and obstacles in their relationship.
One of the most memorable aspects of the serial was its title song, composed by Sudhir Phadke and sung by Asha Bhosle. The song was written by G.D. Madgulkar himself and expressed the feelings of love, longing, and happiness that the protagonists share. The song also featured some poetic words and phrases that added to its charm and appeal.
In this article, we will explore the meaning and lyrics of the title song of Ya Sukhano Ya, and also provide some information about the serial and its cast. We hope that this article will bring back some nostalgic memories for those who have watched the serial, and also introduce this classic Marathi gem to those who have not.
The Meaning and Lyrics of Ya Sukhano Ya Title Song
The title of the song, Ya Sukhano Ya, means \"Come, O Blissful One\" in Marathi. It is an invitation to the beloved to join hands and walk together on a path of happiness and joy. The song also uses some metaphors and imagery to describe the beauty and intimacy of their relationship.
Here are the lyrics of the song in Marathi, along with their English translation:
àà ààààààà àà àààà àªà ààààà,
àààààà ààà ààà àààà, ààà àààà
Come, O Blissful One, we have walked a lonely path,
Now give me your hand, give me your support
àµààààààààà àààààâà àµààà,
à ààà àµààà
Be the solitude of separation,
Be restless
ààààààà àààààà à àµààà
ààààààà àààµàµààà àààààà
ààâààà àààµà àµààààà àµàààâààààµà
Be the embrace on my cheeks
O Blissful One, be the passionate kisses
That make my voice tremble like a bamboo
àààààà àà, ààà àà
ààààààà ààààà àµààà ààààµàà
àààààà àªàààà
Be here day and night, singing
Be the blossoms in our garden
You are the birds
ààààààààà àà ààààà
àµààà àààªààà àààààà
ààà àààà àà àààààà
ààààààà ààààààà
Be the silver stars on the roof of our bedroom
Make our home happy
You are the ones who do that
ààà àààà, ààà àààà
Give me grass, give me your hand
à àààà àªààààààà àµààà,
àààààµàà àµààà
Be the jasmine in the courtyard,
Be on the roof
àààààà ààààªààààà
Be the sandalwood on my forehead
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