Welcome to the blog... and RS gold just in case of need. Thats right! My shadow is mine! Now battle the Stranger (Level-69) and he'll be killed. He can only use a Dragon Dagger and won't ever use the special. He is an easy target for fairytales and will drop Thwait's Key.
Thaiwt will give you the key. Click Read Key and have your player go through the tunnel of thieves, where you will find me. The treasure of a thousand scarabs if you look under a dunes. Pyramid Plunder is an unusual place to find him. Begin the mini-game and then go to the last room (requires 90 Theiving) and you'll be able to watch a brief cut-scene.
The Rogues will disappear through 4 doors. You have found me. These tiny traps were not designed to make you feel scared. Martin Thwait is now Martin Thwait (Level-215). He can Range and Melee with you. He can hit 25 with either of the styles. After he passes away, he'll be given Master Theif's Armband. It is possible to see the letters MT on it to prove his death.
Talk to Straven/Katrine. Master Thwait has been defeated. This is awesome, but can you provide evidence? Yes, I have proof. This is his Master Theif Armband. It has his gold initials and everything! Katrine/Straven may look at it, and then break off of it. That's excellent. You'll learn some tricks of the trade from my friend. Katrine/Straven will give you an outline. From there, you will be able to find your "associate". Omart (or Slug if you've completed the quest) is your Associate. Talk to him about the quest!
Quest Rewards. Thwait's Tome: Gives 8.5k for any 2 Skills you choose above Level 35. Thwait’s (P+) Dagger. Master Theif Armband. With buy RuneScape gold your player name on it. 11,500 Theiving XP.