After two months, Marinez came back to Maracaibo, "without any money in my pockets," he said. He tried to find a job however he could not find anything in the market for OSRS gold jobs destroyed by the pandemic, and a long-running economic recession.
Ten years before, Venezuela, a petrostate under the administration of Hugo Chavez, witnessed a collapse in oil prices. As of 2017, the cost of a barrel dropped up to nearly $50, from a peak of $100 and the U.S. instituted wide-ranging sanctions against Venezuela's authoritarian government.
"When the prices of oil began to decline it was impossible to find funds to import goods," said Alejandro Velasco professor at New York University who specializes in Venezuelan politics, during an interview via phone. "As a result there was no money in the real world for the country's economy."
Venezuela's coffers were already empty after it spent its most recent oil profits for social services like subsidized health care, food and literacy programs. Chavez has also removed perceived dissenters from the oil industry after an attempted military coup, impacting production.
A widespread system of corruption in the state has harmed the economy, as per Paul Angelo, a fellow at the Council for Foreign Relations who has a specialization in Latin American politics.
Runescape creator Jagex has put a stop with Runelite HD, a fan-made HD mod of the popular free client called Old School Runescape, just when the project was scheduled to go live on Monday. This decision, made in the last minute, has Runescape users expressing anger over Jagex's decision . Some have said that they'll go to other MMOs.
Runelite HD creator "117" posted on Reddit Tuesday, sharing a message he received from Jagex and was later confirmed by Jagex in the company's blog article. Runelite HD operates as a plugin that will provide an extensive visual overhaul to the basic Runescape that can be seen in 117's Twitter. Moderator 117 also said that they've spent about 2500 hours in the past two years working on Runelite HD.
"Yesterday we contacted the developers of well-known HD projects and asked for them to stop working on their respective projects as this is a project that we are actively investigating," Jagex stated. Jagex told 117 the company's work on creating an HD edition of Old School Runescape was "still fairly early in the exploration phases" however "very much in progress."
"Naturally, this means the fan-driven projects that is attempting to alter the way Old School RuneScape appears is contrary to our ideas," Jagex wrote to 117. "We believe it's vital that there be a consistent look in the manner that Old School looks and we'd like to ensure that our changes to the official version are the only ones to be made available.
We hope that the news of Jagex along with buy RS gold the Old School team are tackling this project in earnest is something that excites you even though it might require us to respectfully request that you stop your personal projects."
117 said that they offered Jagex as a compromise, which was to remove their project when Jagex had released their own, and granting Jagex "collaborative influence" over the design of Runelite HD's.